Jakob Hunosøe

With a distinct sense of noticing everyday objects and their form, Jakob Hunosøe manages to lure us into a completely permissible and at the same time completely dizzying world. As the title of his book - In Square Circle (2020) - points out, Hunosøe freezes that moment, when we momentarily see a circle in the square.

The works of Jakob Hunosøe feature objects which most of us have in our homes: crayons, a mirror, a water bottle, a notepad. Objects which are not more than what they are meant to be used for. However, our attention is awakened when we look at Hunosøe's photographs. We become aware of the shape of things, of whether round are really round, whether things stand up or lie down, and whether they are there at all, in the arrangement, or if it is a shadow or a mirror image.

With great humor we are deceived when objects change scale, when they are juxtaposed and when distorted in water, mirror or glass. It is by using quite simple means these arrangements appear quite complex. And the humor occurs both as Jakob Hunosøe unfolds the deception, as he figures out how to communicate it, and as we discover that it is a moment of reality, not a manipulated photo, we have been presented with.

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